The Lord's Recovery
MainExplanationHistorySite MapLinks
    1. The Principle of Recovery
    2. The Recovery Related to God's Purpose
    3. The Role of the Church
    4. A Picture of the Recovery
    5. A Brief History of the Recovery
    6. The Recovery Today
  1. Pre-Reformation History (A.D. 30-1517)
    1. The Church of the First Century
    2. The District Church
    3. The International Church
    4. Independent Churches
      1. Montanists (A.D. 156-200)
      2. Priscillianists (A.D. 340-385)
      3. Paulicians (A.D. 625-800)
      4. Bogomils (A.D. 950-1463)
      5. Albigenses (A.D. 1150-1300)
      6. Waldenses (A.D. 1160-present)
    5. Fore-runners of the Reformation and Present Recovery
      1. John Wycliff (A.D. 1324-1384)
      2. John Huss (A.D. 1370-1415
      3. Peter Cheltschizki (A.D. 1390-1452)
      4. United Brethren in Bohemia (A.D. 1457-1621)
      5. Kasper von Schwenckfeld (A.D. 1489-1561)
  2. Reformation History
    1. National Church—One State, One Church (A.D. 1517-present)
    2. Independent Churches—Unique Doctrine, One Church (A.D. 1520-present)
    3. Concepts out of Reformation History
      1. Doctrine of Invisible and Visible Church
      2. “Spiritual” Fellowship
      3. Congregationalism
  3. Post Reformation History and Recovery
    1. George Fox (A.D. 1624-1691)
    2. Jean de Labadie (A. D. 1610-1674)
    3. Madame Guyon (A.D. 1648-1717)
    4. William Law (A.D. 1686-1761)
    5. Count Zinzendorf (A.D. 1700-1760) and the Moravians
    6. John Wesley (A.D. 1703-1791); Charles Wesley (A.D. 1707-1788)
    7. John Nelson Darby (A.D. 1800-1882) and the British Brethren
    8. Robert Govett (A.D. 1813-1901)
    9. G.H. Pember (A.D. 1837-1910)
    10. D.M. Panton (A.D. 1870-1955)
    11. Andrew Murray (A.D. 1828-1917)
    12. Jessie Penn-Lewis (A.D. 1861-1927)
    13. The Welsh Revival (A.D. 1906)
  4. The Present Recovery—One City, One Church (A.D. 1937-present)
    1. Watchman Nee's Early Years
      1. Watchman Nee's Salvation
      2. Searching Out the Truth
      3. Early Practice of the Church Life
      4. Publishing the Truth
    2. The Work in Shanghai
      1. Twenty-One Items Recovered
      2. Publishing Magazines
    3. The Lord Prepares a Co-Laborer
      1. Witness Lee's Background
      2. Co-laboring in One Flow
      3. More Revelation
      4. Watchman Nee's Vision
      5. The Spread of the Churches
      1. Revival in Chefoo
      2. Migration to Mongolia and Manchuria
      3. Revival in Shanghai
      4. Watchman Nee's Ministry Interrupted
    4. The Communist Takeover in China
    5. The Church Life Spreads to Taiwan
    6. The Lord's Recovery in the United States
      1. Witness Lee's First Trip to the United States
      2. Fellowship Regarding the Ground of the Church
      3. The Church in Los Angeles
      4. Witness Lee Moves to Los Angeles
    7. Sowing the Word
      1. Conference on the All-Inclusive Christ
        1. Laboring through prayer
        2. The need for hymns
        3. The riches of Christ in the conference
      2. Growth through Ministry
      3. Producing a New Hymnbook
      4. The Recovery of Pray-reading
      5. The Recovery of Calling on the Lord's Name
      6. Elden Hall
      7. Further Revelations from 1962 through 1973
      8. Spreading through Migration
      9. The Life Study of the Bible
      10. Further Revelations from 1974 to 1981
    8. God's Final Goal—the New Jerusalem
    9. The Way to Attain the Goal
      1. Our Need of Experience
      2. How to Cooperate with the Lord
      1. The Word
      2. Exercise the spirit
      3. The Church
    10. Conclusion